Heli Hunting and Fishing Taupo, Commercial, Agriculture and Charter Helicopter work in the Central North Island

Pilot Training

We cater for all training requirements starting at the Private Pilot Licence (PPLH) through to the more advanced Commercial Pilot Licence (CPLH) for the career orientated  pilot.

Our specialty is in "high altitude and mountain flying",  directly from our base situated in the heart of the North Island midway along the Napier Taupo Highway.


Helicopter training with Heli Hunt n Fish, Taupo


- From Abinitio to Fully Licenced Commercial pilots

- Turbine ratings

- Agricultural ratings

- Sling load and night endorsements


Agriculture Training

Become a proficient agriculture pilot. H300c pictured means no issues with weight & balance. Jetranger used for turbine ratings. Instruction in Ag170 and Tracmap gps. Free accommodation, no landing charges and an opportunity to do some productive flying as instructor is an active 137 commercial agriculture operator.

Agriculture heli training with heli hunt and fish


Hiller UH12 - Training in own helicopter

Call us now to find out more.


Office and A/H: 07 3785314

Phil Janssen - Ops Manager: 0274 614180 

 Email:  Heli Hunt n Fish Taupo