Heli Hunting and Fishing Taupo, Commercial, Agriculture and Charter Helicopter work in the Central North Island

Heli Hunt n Fish Taupo

Taupo Helicopter operators to the Central North Island of New Zealand

Taupo Helicopter Hunting and fishing, Helicopter Services TaupoHeli Hunt n Fish Taupo offers a full range of helicopter services including Commercial, Agriculture, Charter and Pilot Training operations through to heli hunting and fishing. Heli Hunt and Fish Taupo is owned and operated by Phil Janssen who is ready to undertake your flying requirements.

We provide you a safe and secure lock up for hunting and fishing vehicles.


Taupo Heli Hunting and fishing, Helicopter Charter Taupo

30 years experience in the aviation industry.

Give us a call now for all your flying requirements.

We are centrally located with bases at Rangitaiki(Mar/Apr Roar) state Hwy 5(25 minutes east of Taupo)  and Taumarunui.

We operate:

2 x Robinson R44

1 x Hughes 300

Office and A/H: 07 3785314

Phil Janssen - Ops Manager: 0274 614180 

 Email:  Heli Hunt n Fish Taupo

In association with Bay Heliwork